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Online Tutoring
Learn from academic experts in the comfort of your home!
for high school Math, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, French, English, including SAT, ACT, TOEFL, IELTS, and MCAT preparation.
We offer tutoring
Available on demand
Contact us and get paired with a graduate tutor today! Whether it's help with a single assignment, project, or test, or a more long-term solution, we will help you meet your goals and get that A+
Simple & Effective Interface
Learn from the comfort of your own home with our user-friendly virtual classroom. Seamlessly interact and share notes during a video call with your tutor
Record your sessions & notes
Save your whiteboard as a PDF after each session and never lose your work! Go back at any time to check your notes
Additional support & resources
We will build you a personalized program based on your unique needs
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