Have you ever studied hard the night before a test only to forget what you learned right after? Do
you forget stuff that you learned in previous grades? Do you find yourself cramming to study
for tests or to meet deadlines?
If your answer to either of those was yes, then you’re like most people. But this is not a good
sign. At a fundamental level, it means you are not learning and information is only being stored
in your short-term memory. As a student, it’s literally your job to learn, so we should always
strive to learn better.
Today, we are going to tell you about the TWO FUNDAMENTAL VALUES for developing a
super brain and how to implement these values into your life. Following this guide, you might
notice the following benefits:
Improved learning, including long-term memory
No more late night/last minute studying for tests
Remembering everything you learned during a test
Getting top grades in your class
Improved confidence and motivation
Remembering everything you learned, even years after!
Developing strong study skills that you carry into university
Improved understanding of class material
They do not teach you this in school and they will not teach you this elsewhere. This is a one-of-
a-kind strategy that was developed and tested for over 10 years by a neuroscientist who knows a thing or two about the brain. Implementing this strategy will differentiate you from the average
and allow you to reach your fullest potential in school.
So here it is…
The key to developing your superbrain and achieving “deep learning” is the same as developing
your muscles: consistency and challenge.
“But what do you mean exactly by consistency?” – It means you have to study regularly. Period.
Warning: studying only before tests does NOT work!! Imagine you’re going on a beach vacation
next week, so you decide to take better care of your diet and exercise every day for the whole
week to get in shape. You can already tell this won’t work. You might see a slight improvement
in your weight or fitness, but you’ll return back to your normal physique, probably before the
vacation ends. It’s the same when preparing for tests and improving your knowledge. It CANNOT be a “1-week give-it-my-all” situation. It has to be a lifestyle. You have to study regularly, just like an athlete practices on a weekly or daily basis. Only then will your brain store information at a
fundamental level. This is how I’ve been tutoring physics and calculus despite the fact that I haven’t taken these classes in over a decade.
“And what do you mean by challenging my brain?” – it means to learn something new!
And you’re already doing this! But it helps to recognize that learning something new is equivalent to a heavy-weight lifter setting a new record. Every time you learn something new, you challenge your brain and you set a "new record”! If you feel that some of your classes are
challenging, rest assured that is normal. It means you’re on the path to becoming stronger.
Applying consistency and challenge in your life
If you’ve set your goals, broken them down into manageable tasks, and set up a weekly schedule, then you’ve already done 80% of the work so far! In our Elevate Program, we teach you how to establish the foundation needed before moving onto this step. It’s very important that you don’t miss any step, otherwise it won’t work. To achieve deep learning, we recommend you follow the steps below. Also, check out the video (coming soon!) at the very bottom explaining these steps and the science behind it.
Step 1) Include “studying” as a priority and a weekly task
Writing it down means you’re committed!
For students enrolled in our Elevate Program, you will have access to our custom “Goal Planner”
and “Weekly Planner” where you can write your priorities and tasks.
Step 2) In your weekly schedule, slot some time DAILY to review what you learned in class that
This does not have to be exhaustive. 15-30 minutes per class should be enough. Something as
simple as reading over your class notes, textbook, or PowerPoint slides is enough. If you have
homework assigned to you, do that instead. The point here is to get your brain to recognize that
this information is important and will be used again in the future. Otherwise, your brain will
interpret the information as unimportant and you will soon forget most of what you learned that
For students enrolled in our Elevate Program, you would have already been taught how to set your weekly schedule.
Step 3) Schedule time WEEKLY to study for each class
This step is crucial because every day of the week, you are learning something new. This
means that you’ll remember less of what you’ve learned on Monday than you did on Friday. The
weekend is a perfect time to catch up and make sure that you cement everything you’ve learned
that week.
If you have a test the next (or upcoming weeks), consider this as preparation for it.
Step 4) Schedule time MONTHLY to study for each class
Basically, this is a revision of the past month. It serves the same purpose as studying each
weekend, but to remember everything you’ve learned that month. You will usually be tested on a
monthly basis, so let this be the opportunity that you take to review weeks worth of material.
Do not be intimidated! If you followed steps 2 and 3, then step 4 becomes infinitely easier
simply because you’ve already “challenged” your brain with the same information.
The key to mastering your education and developing a super brain lies with consistency and
challenge. We’ve taught you our secret strategy for how you can implement studying into your
schedule and make it a lifestyle. Basically, if you review the same concept from class 3 times (by
following steps 2-4), you will walk into your exam remembering everything you learned. You
will also remember what you’ve learned the year after and onwards. This is the difference
between an “A+ student” and everyone else.
Now it's your turn!
Set up your weekly schedule and incorporate some time daily, weekly, and monthly to study for
your classes.
If you’d like further instruction on how to apply this method, get in touch with us or check out
our Elevate Program. We provide additional instruction and resources, including live one-to-one
guidance with an academic expert.